Author Archives: admin

How AI Can Empower Your Job Search Journey: A Career Coach’s Perspective

Everywhere you turn, AI dissenters are arguing that artificial intelligence is a threat to humanity. They claim that not only is AI poised to steal our jobs, but it’s also disrupting our human connections and challenging our ethics. At Transitions Careers, we help people live and work more humanly. With that emphasis on our humanness, you might assume we fall in line with the AI naysayers. But we believe that to be human is to be curious, and our curiosity compels us to embrace exploration, examine alternative angles, and look at things from different perspectives. We know that change—even the Read more.

Embracing Accountability: Pathways to Success & Self-care

Navigating your career journey is a long, hard road. It comes with twists and turns, highs and lows, starts and stops. And inevitably, your perseverance will wane. But when you feel your motivation dip, accountability is crucial. When we think about accountability during a job search, it often conjures up a long list of ambitious tasks to be done: set goals, work hard, pursue opportunities, conquer challenges. At a time like this, it’s crucial to balance commitment to your professional goals with commitment to your personal well-being. The demands of a job search can be challenging, and maintaining your mental Read more.

5 Internal Roadblocks: Break Down the Barriers to Your Success

Navigating your career sometimes feels like a journey into the unknown. It’s something you approach with a mix of ambition and anxiety, expecting you’ll encounter both opportunities and challenges along the way. What you might not anticipate, however, is the nature of the barriers you’ll battle. Realize it or not, many of them are of your own making. Fears, insecurities, and self-doubt can emerge as unexpected saboteurs, hindering your progress and impacting your success. Breaking down these internal roadblocks is crucial to clearing the way for a fulfilling career that empowers you to achieve your full potential. Each one you Read more.

What’s holding you back? 5 Tips to move from fear to fulfillment

From a young age, we’re told we can be or do anything we want. The opportunities are endless, and a path full of possibilities stretches out ahead of us. But if that’s true, why do so many of us end up feeling stuck or unfulfilled? In most cases, the answer is fear. Something within us acts as a barrier to embracing those opportunities that await. Whether it’s the fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of the unknown, these internal barriers loom large, casting shadows over our purpose, passion, or aspirations. I recently stumbled upon this article that sheds Read more.

Development in the ‘We’ Space: 5 Benefits of Group Coaching

On any development journey, the starting point is within. Self-reflection and self-discovery are necessary steps toward growth—but it doesn’t have to be a lonely path to travel. As a leader and professional, you’re faced with a growing number of adaptive challenges—complex issues that demand a shift in your values, attitudes, or behaviors. Tackling these challenges requires you to evolve your mindset and capabilities. But that evolution rarely happens in isolation. The way many people approach development falls short of fueling real transformation. It’s a workshop, a book, or an article you squeeze into your busy schedule. And while those tools Read more.

The Power Within: Discover Your Inner Voice in a Noisy World

I saw them every day. Stephanie was promoted to a senior-level role. Ann joined a new organization. Julie completed her MBA. Phil obtained another certification. Mike started a (third) business. And everyone was flitting from conference to conference, expanding their networks and accelerating their development. These updates flooded my LinkedIn feed like an unstoppable surge of reminders that my peers were doing more and better than me. Just clicking on a notification could send me into a panic. Should I be doing something else? Aiming for something bigger? I wasn’t racking up any of these accomplishments, so clearly, something had Read more.

Navigating the Unknown: How to Embrace Life Stages and New Beginnings

Ask almost anyone, and they’ll probably tell you they’ve experienced a sort of turning point, a stage at which they said, “What am I doing? Is it right? Is it enough? Do I have to do or be something else?” It happened to me, and it was one of the scariest periods of my life. For years, I’d had a sense that I wanted (needed) a change. I liked the career I’d chosen, but I was weary of the path it had led me down. I was working too many hours, and my job was dominating my days, nights, and Read more.

Give Yourself Permission to be Curious without Committing to Change

At some point in our lives, each of us will experience something that prompts us to take stock of our current situation. At that niggling in the back of your brain, you might start to ask yourself: Am I engaged in my work? Or simply going through the motions? Do I feel fulfilled by my routine? Or discouraged by the drudgery? Do I have a positive outlook for the future? Or dread for what lies ahead? If you lean right in your response to any of these questions, it may be a sign that it’s time to make a change. Read more.

Why people are really leaving the workforce (and what to do about it)

Amid the “Great Resignation,” you’ve probably heard (and maybe said) that we’re all confounded. It seems employers don’t know why employees are leaving. And if you listen to feedback from the millions of people who have exited the workforce, things become even more perplexing. As it turns out, even employees don’t know why they’re leaving. A recent article from McKinsey explored the phenomenon in a new way, not for the sake of myth-busting but rather to apply a different lens to the way we’ve been thinking about it. The authors likened employees’ feelings to the feelings of soldiers returning home Read more.

The Key to Greater Success and Satisfaction? Courageous Authenticity

In November 2021, a record number of people in the U.S. made a major change: According to the Labor Department, 4.5 million (about 3% of the workforce) quit their jobs. That’s nearly 1 million more than were resigning from their roles pre-pandemic. There’s a lot of speculation about what’s at the root of the “Great Resignation.” In our view, it stems from two big things people are grappling with at work: a sense of being stuck and a lack of fulfillment. Time and again, we hear from the professionals we work with that they feel like they’re spinning their wheels. Read more.